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Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Biz 101, How To Save Money

Ever feel like youre short on cash? How would you like to learn how to save what you earn? Todays average consumer is way too focused on spending, and not focused enough on saving. In Money to Be Made Online, youll learn some of the ways you can save money while doing business. If you fit into the category of not rich,?before you can go on that wonderful vacation, or buy a new house, you need to save up some cold hard cash. Nothing is better than money well spent some say. Well I think nothing is better than money well saved. Before you can spend wisely, you have to have some good savings.

So whats the secret to saving money? Im going to outline a few simple tricks that if followed, will leave some extra cash each and every month. Why is it that people are always spending more than they earn? Because theyre in the business of helping other people save money. Thats right, theyre providing the retirement funds for the debt collecter, or credit card executive. First, I want to let you know where some of your money goes, besides when it goes down the drain.

Most people forget completely about their money after it leaves their pocket. Money isnt just a piece of paper or numbers on a screen. For the purpose of this article imagine that money is a type of energy, like electricity. Like electricity, most people dont think or care where it comes from, or where it goes, and how its transferred from place to place. Each time you use electricity, or transfer it to another place, you lose some of its potential. Most appliances dont use 100% of the potential energy available, maybe in the future but not currently. When you buy something, taxes are taken out, plus the middle mens fees, and then profit for the top of the pyramid.

The first thing you should do is become aware of WHERE your money goes. By thinking of where money comes from, and ends up will open your mind into new avenues of perception. You have to fight your way out of the consumer?box and create a new box, with a new label, that youre comfortable. Its good to think outside the box,?for people who live in boxes they didnt create themselves. But when you create your own box, when you design your own life and are finally free from all debt, worry, and create your own experiences, then I suggest you think inside that box instead!

So now practice thinking this in everyday life. Where is my money going? Imagine all the little middle men in between, and then maybe youll respect money a little more. Youll realize how big and industrious the world actually is. After youve reached this stage of awareness you should be more motivated, and ready to seriously save some money. By saving money in this state, you might realize how important that one little dollar of profit is. When multiplied by a good product and millions of consumers, youve just made a million dollars.

If youre ready to start saving some money, be ready to follow these simple tasks, and expect some extra cash! First, you need to be organized. Saving money is not just about being cheap, but its also about management. You must organize well! Most successful people are great at saving because theyre natural organizers, and when they make it big they get a secretary. After a while these tasks become natural, and dont feel like a bother at all, so keep it up and after a while youll get a hang of it.

Organizing your cash flow is essential. Everywhere you go, carry a note book, small note pad, or a PDA if you have one. Most PDAs are compatible with finance software, so buy some or find a free version. DO IT NOW! This is the most important aspect of saving money, you first need to know where its going! So for the first week, I want you to do two simple things. Every single thing you spend money on, write down the date, the cost, where, and how you felt. At the end of the day create another separate sheet with a total of amount spent, and list all the things you can do without. Now try to think of where your money went, and imagine the process it took to make the products you bough. Did you purchase gas? There are lots of things needed to get gas into the country, so imagine the process and your mind will open!

After one week, take a look at all the data youve collected. Dont do this review until a full weeks data has been collected! Determine what was essential and what you can do without. Take your daily essential and total them up. Look where you can eliminate needless expenses! One of the things you can do, are follow the guidelines in Money to Be Made Online. Follow the experience of seasoned veterans, and save money for your business today!

Keith Londrie II is a successful Webmaster and the owner and publisher of moneytobemadeonline.com A website that specializes in providing tips on how to REALLY make money online that you can research on the internet in your pajamas from the comfort of your own home. Visit http://moneytobemadeonline.com/ today!make money online

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